Change.Net – Change Control (en)

Partner der CAQ AG Factory Systems

In this workshop you will learn the software-supported implementation and management of change processes using the Change Control Software Change.Net and how to effectively monitor and manage your changes from initial creation, through the associated risk analysis, to final implementation. Learn how to precisely prepare individual processes, measures, and analyses of effectiveness in order to initiate, secure, and evaluate all necessary steps for product and process changes.


The following topics will be addressed in this workshop:

  • General use of the Change.Net software
  • Recording, managing, and evaluating changes
  • Creation of freely definable change workflows
  • Application of the template management
  • Initiation and monitoring of change-relevant measures
  • Application of system-wide status monitoring as well as deadline tracking with target and actual deadlines and responsibilities
  • Multi-language capability within Change.Net


All users of the respective CAQ.Net quality assurance modules.


Only for CAQ AG Factory Systems software customers/users.


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